The Bare Perspective

Somewhere to put my thoughts down

Archive for the tag “politics”

Who are They anyway?

A recent study reported in the Pediatrics Journal denies any evidence that the HPV vaccine increases sexual activity in youngsters. What a relief! I was really worried that the vaccination was going to turn all the innocent little 11-12 years old girls into crazy promiscuous sluts.

I don’t have a daughter, but if I did I would never give her the HPV shot.  Not because I am afraid that it would turn her into a sex-crazed monster, but because of my concern of her dropping dead or coming down with meningitis.

I have zero trust for the Pharmaceutical companies. I am sure they started with good intentions way back when, but somewhere down the line they have been blinded by greed and burdened with corruption. I believe for the most part they do more harm than good. If they kept us all in good health they wouldn’t be raking in loads of cash… So, I choose to say no to the Big Pharma. I don’t trust them to keep my best interest in mind. It’s fine though because I will keep my best interest in mind. I will take care of myself.

What pisses me off is when companies like Monsanto come around and want to take away my right to know what is in my food. I don’t know what the benefits of the GMO are for Monsanto. It may be a way of increasing the sales of Roundup, they may have made a deal with Big Pharma (I will make them sick, you make them better. Win-win), or maybe they just want us all dead. I don’t know. I do know that the shit scares me. I hear day in and day out how God didn’t intend for me to be a lesbian. Gotcha. Did he intend for food to be genetically modified in a lab? Why focus so much on the gays? Our relationships aren’t going to hurt you, but that food on your dinner table probably will. I understand though, distraction is exactly what “they” want.  “They” want us distracted so that things like Prop 37 can slide by unacknowledged or misunderstood.  If the distractions stopped and the issues were thrown out on the table for all to see, I have no doubt in my mind that Prop 37 would pass. Why wouldn’t we want our food labeled? It would respect our right to choose.  But this isn’t about us; this about Monsanto and all his comrades knowing that us knowing would be bad for business.  Scandalous. But we can’t honestly expect more from them.  We can’t change them, but we can change us.  We can wake up and realize that they aren’t watching out for us.  We need to take care of ourselves and the rest will fall into place. We, as a whole, need to open our eyes. Start asking questions; stop believing that “they” have your best interest in mind.  It is that blind trust that has given them all this power. It’s time to take back our power.

Anyway, I don’t know where I am going with all this. So I will end here and leave you with this.

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